Weight Loss Surgery is a tool which is designed to help you to achieve your long term goals. However, surgery alone will not give you the desired outcome if you don't change your eating habits and your lifestyle. We work with a team of nutritionists and dietitians, who will guide you through this challenging yet very exciting period in your life.

Discover Specialist Bariatric Dietitian
Van Patel - The Dietologist
Van Patel is the UK's Leading Private Weight Loss Expert for clients who have undergone or are planning Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery.
She's also an expert at managing 'emotional' eating, so you can eat the foods you love and keep the weight off.
With over 30 years experience in both the NHS and private sector, Van has helped more post surgery patients lose weight than anyone else and what's unique about Van's approach is that the weight stays off!
Van is the go-to-person, where other specialists refer their 'tricky' patients. Her exclusive program has helped 1000's of women in the UK and Internationally.
'It's not what you eat, it's about WHY you eat' explains Van, who's unique support services deliver stunning results for busy women time after time.
This diet is very important in helping to reduce the size of your liver, and reduce enzyme levels sufficiently to make safe surgery possible. A smaller liver makes the operation easier to perform and safer as the liver can be brittle if it contains a lot of fat and this makes it more vulnerable to damage.
Here are some very basic menu suggestions as a guide, but remember the main point is very low fat intake, low calorie (about 1000 cal. per day) and high protein (at about 50% of your daily calorie intake). It might help you to take
protein in the form of protein shakes/powder, such as body-builders use. This
can be bought in most health stores (look for “Whey Protein Isolate” or “Soya
Protein Powder – they usually come in Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry flavours – rather like Slim-Fast):
Small bowl of cereal
or 1 slice of toast with a scraping of low fat spread –not butter
Small bowl of low fat yoghurt with fruit

1 slice bread or 2 crispbreads
Small portion lean meat or fish
or Small portion cheese
or 2 eggs (not fried) Green salad or tomatoes (no dressing)
Small portion lean meat or fish
or Small portion low fat cheese
or 2 eggs
or Tofu
or Quorn based dish 1 small potato or 2 tablespoonfuls pasta or rice Vegetables (as many as you like except for high carbohydrate root vegetables – e.g. Potatoes)